| sparks + butterflies | a peter parker fanfiction |

63 likes / 5,318 reads
in which a girl on the run
meets a boy
who makes her want to stay.
or, in which a hero
finally meets his match
- - -
thea and her older sister katrin are on the run from a dark past that stole their childhood.
peter parker is struggling to balance his identities.
when fate pushes the two together, disaster strikes
and the only way out
might just bring both thea's past and peter's identity
into the eyes of the world
- - -

TW: death, violence, swearing, unnecessary trauma, abuse, psychological issues

highest rankings:
#14 in assasin [01/02/22]
#62 in butterflies [21/03/22]
#10 in zola [12/03/22]
#14 in pyrokinesis [16/03/22]
#11 in peterparkerxoc [13/06/2022]

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