Slayers: Back In Action! (Gouina)

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Years after the events of Slayers Evolution-R; the famous sorceress known as "Lina Inverse" and her swordsman-partner Gourry Gabriev, have both always been the very best of friends. And have always traveled together around the world, plus even having dinner at the same table. The two are very close with one another and don't keep any secrets from each other.

But what happens when either of them is keeping a secret from the other? And tries having a serious conversation about it. Will any words be spilled, out of this heartfelt talk that they will both have?
-This story is how I think "The Slayers" anime would end for Lina and Gourry from my own perspective and imagination.-

*Began Writing: September 16, 2021*

*COMPLETED: September 29, 2021*
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