Six Letter Word [Kaylor]

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I don't think it's exactly news to anyone that I keep journals. Pages out of some of my old ones adorn the walls at the Grammy Museum. What might surprise some people is that I usually have more than one at a time. One for song lyrics, one for what's going on in my life. What follows is an edited version of the one I kept in 2016 and the first part of 2017. Some things are still too private, too personal. Some you'll have to hear in songs. I never thought I'd write a memoir so young. At 27 I'd like to think I have a lot of life yet to experience. But after countless questions, I realized I'd rather put it all out there, for you to read on your own, rather than let the media interpret what I have to say. I've had enough of people twisting my words to last a lifetime.
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