Read Stories Sing: I'm Still Here - TeenFic.Net




Sing: I'm Still Here

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This is a Johnny X Reader. You guys are human, for the most part, but you and all the characters will have animal features and traits.

I apologize. As much as I want to let you have free will on what animal you want to be, you will be a chubby bunny. (It's clearly on the cover.) And if you have questions on why you have grey skin, on the cover. It's just my way of showing a base. You choose your skin, hair, but not the eyes. They are intentionally red for this book. Your backstory will be explained in the Intro chapter.

(DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of these characters, or have anything to do with the movie. I only claim the reader designed and their actions. The cover, that, I did make myself.)
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