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'Sincerely, yours'

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Kai smith returns from the forbidden fives cage, with new secrets he wants to keep to himself and an unsteady view of things, he hides for a year.

When he meets his old friends he starts to realize he might be wrong, and with new emotions blooming, he has to make the decision if he wants to hide or fight to see who really is there for him.

** I do not own any of the characters mentioned all belong to the wonderful series called Ninjago.

The world is also belonging to the show, but very little detail is given on the world aspect***

**Cover image by @Warevo on Pinterest**


This is literally a fanfic between Kai and Cole, because Ninjago won't give me what I want, so I'll do it myself.

Also my own little story in it as well, so something might be off, but I am trying to make all the characters sound like themselves.
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