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Shattered Veil of Hearts

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He spins to face me, looking at me with nothing but murder in his eyes.
He starts to take slow steps towards me, I keep taking a step back with his one step forward.
We stop this little dance when my path is obstructed by the wall.
'You are absolutely nothing to me." his voice raising with each word.
"NOTHING!", he yells at me.
Emma Hart, the 21-year-old daughter of the American Mafia Boss. She is a lovely girl who loves everyone and treats everyone with kindness. Ever since she was 5 years old all she knows is pain, being abused by her father for the past 16 years. She has built walls around her heart and does not let anyone in. Regardless of the pain, she endured everything just to get her father's love and approval. All she has ever wanted is to have a good life with friends and parents who will love her.

'Sometimes a father's hate can come across as love when he gives you food after starving you for so long,' I say, tears betraying the stoic facade I wear like armor.

Raffaele 'Diavolo' Benedetti. Towering, menacing, and etched in sin and muscle. Abused and left broken in his childhood by his father. He is a man you would never want to cross paths with. He gets sinister happiness out of torturing people. His heart, encased in scars both visible and hidden, beats to the rhythm of revenge, fueled by the memory of his mother and sister's brutal murder at the hands of Emma's father.

Bound by a shared history of pain and loss, Emma and Raffaele find themselves entangled in a dangerous dance of fate. Raffaele, consumed by the desire for retribution, orchestrates a plot to marry the daughter of the man who shattered his world. Can Emma's compassion thaw the ice around Raffaele's heart, and can he, in turn, unravel the walls imprisoning her soul? In a world where betrayal is as common as breath, their destinies collide, showcasing love, revenge, and the fragile threads that bind two tormented souls.
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