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Sex Offender

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When 21 year old teacher Jeon Jungkook is advanced on by one of his students and rejects her, he is then lied on and thrown in jail. He is enraged and refuses to plead guilty even though he is told that it's the easiest way out. Join him, yes, really, he's going to break the fourth wall regularly here, so be ready, as he makes his way through this stupid case and fights for justice.

⚠️TW! You will rage⚠️

⚠️Also TW! Mentions of very vulgar acts such as...well...r@pe⚠️

⚠️❓Not really a trigger warning but some people might hate this. Fourth wall breaking. Repeatedly. Like, it won't stop.⚠️❓

Also some of the characters are not mine.
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