Wilbur finds out that he has a huge crush on his roommate and bestfriend Melissa. At first, after realising this, he denies his love for her when asked about it by his other bestfriend Tommy. He hides it well from Melissa, but isn't very good at lying to Tommy. Tommy can see right through him, he always knows when Wilbur is lying. Especially when his voice goes all high-pitched and frantic. That's why Tommy is the one that Wilbur goes to for advice after he decides to admit his crush. That, and the fact that he is good at giving advice. Wilbur thinks he doesn't have a chance with her, even after her relationship ends with her boyfriend. But on some level, he also thinks that he does. Tommy thinks otherwise. He knows Wilbur doesn't have a chance. Is he right?
This story is written from Wilbur's pov.
Started: 16/10/22
Ended: 01/01/23
- Kit.