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secret soulmate (discontinued)

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Sometimes love isn't easy. Winona has trouble accepting the way her heart skips a beat, the way her stomach and chest tightens when she sees David. He is so tall, so sweet but so protective and not to mention his charming nature. She couldn't possibly love him though. Could she?

This is a danona fan ficton with some Fillie.

Autor's Note: Hello! This is my first work. I will hopefully be able to update sooner rather than later (cant make any promises. πŸ˜…) Thanks! πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™

note from like two years later: this is really bad and i hate it ngl but ill leave it up even though it's discontinued. (also if you like this storyline and want to pick the story up from where it left off that's perfectly fine! just dm me and we can figure something out!)
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