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Second chance

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Queen Adrienne ann udoka the first queen of the thriillionaire king ucheundo udoka of Amazi kingdom
She is A CEO of several wine producing company in Canada and also the owner of the fastest growing fashion company in Milan .
At a very young age she had dreamt of settling down with a woman far away from her kingdom as that is where her heart truly lies.
But even though she knew it was an abomination in her land she was willing to take the risk .
but all plans soon came to an halt as soon as the king asked for her hand in marriage she was them given out to the king for marriage by her father
queen Adrienne ann is a lady of beauty rumours had it , that it was because of her beauty that made the king married her
her beautiful face with shapely pointed nose , an obsidian black coal eyes , a well defined eyebrows and jaw with an extremely long eye lashes a shapely face of a goddess and also a very flawless ebony skin,
her head so full of long medium size dreads locks, a tall slender height of 6.1 and a shapely body
Just after being married to the king she gifted a son aham an heir to the throne after three years of her son's birth she left for the overseas reasons not known to anyone except the king and queen
after 2 years of her in overseas her husband the king got married again to a wealthy business man daughter urehma who gifted him his second son afam after some years later the king got married again to a more younger and energetic beautiful wife who lives an extravagant lifestyle ,
Now in her 38 years old still looking sexy , beautiful, tall and strong
queen Adrienne is given a compulsory invitation by the king to attend his fourth marriage
what happens when her husband the king is set in getting married for the 4th time what happens when the king is getting married to the girl of her dreams

This novel depict age gap , secret, sacrifice, love , family and bond
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