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Sanders Sides Smut

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The title, but with a twist.
This is a storybook universe where the characters all have different sexualities. There's even a you character in the mix, as Emile's little sister!

The characters are as follows:

Y/N: Reader: its you! Y/N is a pansexual girl because I just felt like that fit. You're also the younger sister of Emile.
Janus: Deceit. He believes he's straight, because he's the opposite of the truth.
Remy: Is Janus' brother. He's in an open marriage with Emile and sleeps around a lot.
Emile: Is Remy's husband. He doesn't mind Remy sleeping around, but he only has eyes for Remy. He's your older brother, and is all sass. You are lying to yourself when you say you wouldn't screw him because he's your brother.
Virgil: Is the most uptight of all the sides, and tends to fixate on a singular ideal, so he's 100% gay.
Patton: Is an accepting, all inclusive guy, but he had extremely strong morals, so he's demisexual.
Roman: Just seems to me like he fits the bi guy stereotype, so he's bisexual.
Remus: Is a complete and utter disgrace, but still lives with the sides because he's always up for a fuck with anybody. He's pan.
Logan: Is compelled by logic, so he follows his emotions, but also feels the need to be able to procreate, so he's bisexual.
Thomas will only ever be brought into this story if he's mentioned in a conversation between the sides, so we'll just leave him as he is, his 99% gay butt that could be gayer.

There will occasionally be "context" chapters, just to help the storyline along. These are not smut chapters, but more the in-between moments of the sides' household.
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