Read Stories Sam Rami's Spider-Man 4 - TeenFic.Net




Sam Rami's Spider-Man 4

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This was a long requested story by many readers it was even a long thought up for my own as well Spider-Man 4 now hits Bat Knight's stories! First off hello again viewers and welcome to another Fan Fiction which was based off the fourth chapter of Sam Remi's Spider-Man 4 which never made it to the big screen I don't know much of what happened that cancelled it but it did involve Toby Maguire taken off his role as Spider-Man even though we see him again in Spider-Man Far From Home however Spider-Man 4 was gonna be have Bruce Campbell as Mysterio and John Malkovich as the Vulture well neither one of them will be appearing in this just my own thought up of Spider-Man 4 finally the series continues.....

Peter Parker finally returns for his fourth adventure as New York's friendly neighborhood Spider-Man a year after Harry Osborn's death Peter finds himself.....alone again....his relationship with Mary Jane has ended yet their feelings never changed and Peter quits the Daily Bugle and lives with his Aunt May again but soon....a new threat dawns over Manhattan Wilson Fisk the Kingpin returns to take over crime in the city as he experiments on the remains of the symbiont from the meteor hit learning it reproduced spawning another but deadlier red symbiont after a notorious serial killer is captured Fisk uses him as the test subject Project: Carnage and he will spread his infection through out the city unless Spider-Man can stop it
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