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(So, my description isn't staying, but this is the best I have at the moment)
(I'm sorry if things are inaccurate but I know absolutely 0 about this fandom, this is the best I have)

"Hey Bruce." He calls someone named Bruce.

"What Jason I'm at work." Bruce growls.

"If you had a daughter." Jason glances at the girl. "What would you name her?"

There's a sigh. "Oh Jason don't tell me you got someone pregnant."

"What?" Superman's voice comes faintly from the other end of the phone.

"Oh, you're at work work." Jason chuckles. "Come on Brucey just answer the question!" He says cheerfully.

"What's happening?" Wonder woman is heard.

"I don't know." Bruce sighs again. "I might name her..." He again sighs. "Lilith?"

"Thanks Bruce!" And he hangs up.

(Also my editing didn't save either so it's mostly unedited... oops.)
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