Read Stories ✔Run • Seo Changbin✔ - TeenFic.Net




✔Run • Seo Changbin✔

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Viruses always seem to win in the end, don't they. Even when the entire planet is fighting for its life, it grasps around itself faster than anyone could ever stop it. So what do you do when you can't stop it? You close it off, contain the infected area, to save yourself. That's exactly what happened to Y/N, locked in the city with nothing but the infected ones. This wasn't a normal virus however, not like those that just make you cough. No, this was one that turned people into vicious killers, making them lose their minds. The closest thing to it ever known was the term zombies, but even those weren't dangerous enough to describe them. Escaping is the only chance of survival, but how does one escape the inevitable? When death was near, who is the person who saved you?
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