Read Stories Rumors - TeenFic.Net





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I'm so involved in other stories that I want to get to that I forgot about my first one so let's get on the the description...

Everything suddenly went downhill when there was a rumor about Hinata Shoyo. Throughout the whole school, the rumors went from him being a "gay slut"(they are just jealous that they couldn't be a bad bitch like him🙄🖐) to telling other schools about their plans from volleyball for "reasons" that the people of the school came up with on their own. This rumor was spread over night by none other than Yui Tanzanaki(ooh the creativity in the name I just made up😌ok ok I'll leave now🤭😓). She gets super mad that Hinata is taking up all the spotlight. After basically the whole school believed Yui, Hinata is kicked from the volleyball team and gets bullied up to the point where he can't take it anymore. Hinata moved to America(soon somewhere else!) to live with his dad and starts a new life there. What happens when, a year later, Karasuno(🙄🖐) takes a trip to America for a training camp? What happens when the innocent, nice Hinata Shoyo turns into the complete opposite?
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