Read Stories Right Wing Propaganda - TeenFic.Net




Right Wing Propaganda

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Original Title: Cultural Marxism: Blight on the West

I started this project nearly 3 years ago when I was feeding my diseased brain with hours upon hours of right-wing propaganda daily. The first 5 chapters I've left alone, and I hope by reading them you can get an idea of the way political propaganda can rot a young, impressionable mind. The last chapter was written today, 01/21/2023, and is a simple reflection on my misuse of terms and ignorance of the topics I had discussed. I include lengthy excerpts from the Communist Manifesto in order to demonstrate that most of the problems right-wingers have with modern society can be blamed on capitalism, and that many right-wing talking points are thoroughly anti-capitalist, though they do not realize it. I encourage you to learn from my journey and read educational books about topics you're passionate about, instead of throwing around words you can't define! I publish this for the benefit of all sentient beings.

Began 02/20/2020
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