Read Stories Remembering Her (Luke Castellan and OC) - TeenFic.Net




Remembering Her (Luke Castellan and OC)

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Luke Castellan didn't die at the Battle of Manhattan. For some reason he was allowed to live. He doesn't know if it was a gift from the Gods or if it's leading him down a different path. One towards change when he can do something good. When Percy gives his a quest, to find all the Half-Bloods that are coming to be claimed and bring them back to camp, he accepts. He knows he needs to do something good in this world and this could be his chance to change. When he meets Asmith, a daughter of Hades, he asks her to go with him.

Asmith is a troublesome girl. She was supposed to be the Half-Blood of the prophecy but found a way to change her fate. The only catch was that she had to erased from everyone's memory, everyone including Luke. She remembers their childhood and how they ran away form the monsters. Now that she is older, she wants Luke back, the one she fell in love with. Can she make him remember or will her quest to bring him back to her be nothing but a waste.
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