Read Stories Rediscovering Reality - TeenFic.Net




Rediscovering Reality

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Hermione always knew what reality was.
She always knew what real life was.
Real life was hard work and dedication.
It was Friday Summer nights playing board games with her parents.
She knew who she was smart and sometimes annoying. Semi-frizzy haired and always had a book in her hand.

She always knew who she was...or she used too.

When she is told that she is no longer and never was a true Granger.
That her parents are no longer her parents.

How can she cope with her new life?
Will she cope with her new life?

With new feelings, ongoing emotions and a new perspective how will Hermione get through it.
She sees only one option.

She has to rediscover reality.

Slow Burn - wasn't supposed to be - but here we are, enjoy :)
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