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Red Dawn

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7 years ago, an infection spread throughout Earth's population. Many were turned into what can only be described as a zombie.

The cause of this infection?


Vampires have been trying to take over the Earth for centuries. They faced many problems, the main one being their lack of numbers. Turning humans is a dangerous process for both the humans and vampires. The vampires hired scientists to create a synthetic venom to turn humans into vampires. Their first prototype was tested prematurely. It gave the human test subjects extreme speed and strength for 1 hour. They escaped and infected hundreds. The infection spread and mutated till the Earth was overrun by different kinds of hungry human - eating zombies.

Vampires aren't the only supernatural creatures. Most of the others have gone into hiding, trying to wait it out. Werewolves, however, are the mortal enemies of vampires. They have formed a guard that protects humans day and night.

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