Read Stories Reckless - TeenFic.Net





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Some things are just unintended... like bumping into a conceited vampire at a party, hating his guts then - against all your better judgement and frequent protests - inexplicably making him believe that you've fallen in love with him. Then before you know it you're being sucked into a world of fantasy and danger that you had no idea existed.
Of course, these things are just bound to happen to Anne Forbes - it's just her luck. She doesn't even want this, but who even asked for her opinion on these things?
Tags: #2012 #ado #alex #alexis #allegiance #always #angryalexis #angstyanne #anne #annie #anniversary #ant #antonio #art #baby #bat #bear #bed #ben #blake #blitz #blood #boarding #body #bokken #bomb #book #boys #brian #brittany #burritos #cantbebotheredtotag #canteen #carmel #cat #cereal #chapter #chase #chemistry #cherri #chris #christopher #claire #claires #cody #coffee #coffin #confusedcraig #court #creepychris #crowd #crutches #dabria #dan #daniel #darius #dark #darren #dead #death #depressingthings #detention #doctor #door #drugged #eight #elemental #end #england #english #evan #everdeen #exam #exams #falling #fangs #fiction #fight #fire #florence #fly #forbes #forever #four #full #george #groundskeeper #haha #happy #hayden #heartless #helicopter #heyitsawildtag #heythere #history #honorarylastchaptertags #hospital #hunt #hunter #hunters #huzzah #iknowyourejealousandyouwishyoucouldbeme #imsolazy #imsosmartandcleverwithmylyricscantyousee #india #insightfultagsyetagain #investigation #isa #its #itsprettyreckless #itssofluffyimgonnadie #jev #jokes #kate #katie #key #kill #kyle #last #letstryserioustags #library #lifeless #looking #love #mauled #mess #mindy #mmnoodlesoup #moon #mort #mortimer #mrs #much #mum #murder #murdered #muse #mutant #mystery #mytagsaregettingridiculous #myth #myths #new #nightingale #noodlesoup #nora #note #novel #oil #okayicantevenbebotheredtotag #olsson #omnomnom #party #philips #phone #plug #police #possum #potassium #potato #pretty #punishment #rabbit #rain #rake #receptionist #reckless #reverse #revision #romance #room #russell #sam #samantha #samson #sandwich #school #seaweed #shape #shifter #shitthisiswierd #shop #soup #stories #story #strange #strewn #student #suggestive #supernatural #sweet #swift #tagsarestrange #taylor #teacher #teen #teeth #twenty #twilight #unconscious #vamp #vampire #vampires #vanishedveritas #victory #wattpad #were #werewolf #werewolves #wolf #wood #woods #wow #wwi #yeahidontknow #year
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