Read Stories Reasons To Live✔ - TeenFic.Net

Teen Fiction



Reasons To Live✔

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"Just give me a month. 31 days until the 20th June. Please Elyse. Everyday I'll give you a reason to live. I promise you I'll change your mind."

"1 month." I turn around to look at him.

"You won't regret it." He smiles at me, that smile he's so popular for.


Elyse Carter is struggling with her mental health when Josh Marsh walks right into her life.

Right place, right time- right? If only it was that simple.

31 Days and 31 reasons, is it enough to convince Elyse Carter that life is worth living? Is Josh enough?


warning: swearing and talk of suicide

date started: 27/11/20
date finished: 13/03/21

{in editing}
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