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Rachel's Sweet Surrender

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"I love everything about you. And that includes your entire digestive system."

'Don't open your eyes, Rachel', she whispered inside her head. 'Don't open your d**n eyes.' But still, she couldn't keep herself in the end. She opened her eyes and she was greeted by the most handsome face she had ever wanted to see in her entire life, only a few inches away from hers!

"Hi!" Melvin greeted with a smile.

Then without any preamble, she just heard herself speak. "Will you marry me?"

She almost slapped herself. How could she ask him that thing when they had only been together again for only a few minutes after fourteen years of not seeing each other?

"Yes, Rachel," Melvin answered. "I will marry you."

Okay. Now, what?

Rancho Estate Series: Rachel's Sweet Surrender
By Sonia Francesca

-All credits goes to Miss Sonia Francesca and PHR Publishing company. If the said group or person wishes to take me down this story, I will gladly do so. Peace yow!
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