Read Stories Quiet...But Loyal (Teen Wolf x Mute!Reader) - TeenFic.Net




Quiet...But Loyal (Teen Wolf x Mute!Reader)

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Y/n Yukimura, adopted sister to Kira Yukimura and her family. When her and family moved to Beacon Hills, Kira met a guy named Scott Mccall, who ended up playing a bigger role in their future than they thought. Y/n wasn't like her sister much, as she had been mute ever since a car accident that happened when she was 4, but she pulled through. She was bubbly to those she knew, and shy to those she didn't. Her aura always bringing a happy smile to others faces, her sweet demeanor, no one would hurt her and she wouldn't hurt anyone. That is until things start to change between her and her family, how will they get through the supernatural?

Season 3B- Not Completed
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