Read Stories Prove It (Sansgore Soulmates) - TeenFic.Net




Prove It (Sansgore Soulmates)

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All monsters have soulmates. When a monster discovers their soulmate and their eyes meet, a zing will occur between the two. And just like that, a monster could find their soulmate.

Asgore has been alive for over a thousand years. Being a boss monster allowed for him to live as long as he did, and being as old as he was, he has given up on ever finding a zing.However, he still dreams of one day finding his soulmate.

Sans doesn't believe in love. Zings were just an occurrence that caused monsters to reproduce, it wasn't true love. He never wanted to find his zing, he refused to find them. After what happened with his own parents, he didn't want to end up in the same situation.

Then, a human child fell underground.

Everything went downhill from there. Or maybe it went uphill...
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