Read Stories Prophecy | The Umbrella Academy | - TeenFic.Net




Prophecy | The Umbrella Academy |

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"I'm not mad."
Cassandra Hargreeves- or Number Eight as her father always called her- was the eighth member of the Umbrella Academy. Despite having powers, she had spent her whole life on the sidelines. She had been trained to fight, of course, but having the power of predicting the future was never going to be useful in a fight. Sir Reginald Hargreeves never allowed her to go on missions with her other siblings with powers. But her power was stronger than he knew. Cassandra's visions haunted her and the one place she could never escape them was in her dreams. She would wake up screaming in the night, rambling about a forthcoming apocalypse that her father brushed off as nonsense. He told her that she'd merely grow out of these nightmares. And it seemed as if she did.

As she grew up, her power grew with her. The older she got the more appalled she became by the images of destruction and chaos she saw. Try as she might to warn the others, however much she begged Five not leave her behind or how much she pleaded with Ben to just sit one mission out, no one ever listened to her... until it was too late.

She saw the chaos of the apocalypse and this time she was going to make them believe.
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