Read Stories PROMISE: NEW RULES - TeenFic.Net





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THEY FINALLY MET AFTER they separated for six years. Although things weren't rainbows and butterflies like they had hoped, they were still together. Until they weren't ยฟ

Now with all the questions on the table what will they do?

Kyle has always kept his secrets close to his chest. Especially the real reason why he had left her six years ago. He's determined now more than ever to never tell her what really happened. But will he actually have a choice when the choice is actually to spill it all or lose the woman he's craved all his life?

Amanda has been more than patient with Kyle. Her love for him had blinded her for long enough. She's given her all to him and she expects nothing less. This time she's determined to live with new rules. Either Kyle follows them or risk losing her.

This will be a battle of wills. Who loves the other more than their beliefs?

And has their story ended before it even began?
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