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Felicity Moore stumbles upon a crime that gets her stuck in a sticky situation. Such as seeing a gang of vampires eating a person. After being kidnapped, she is taken to a warehouse and tied up. The only way for her to stay calm is to crack a few jokes. But all that can't possibly hide her beating heart or shaking hands. All she needs now is a way out. But how will that happen when she is surrounded by hundreds of vampires.

Daren Range is part of the West Coast vampire clan. They had been strategizing for months to embark on a mission that would hopefully lead to the death of the leader of the East Coast vampire clan. Their enemies. But what they hadn't foreseen was a girl tied upside down as the broke into the warehouse.

When Daren rescues Felicity, it causes problems. Both have secrets that even they might not know themselves. But what they need right now is each other to escape the impossible difficulties that are about to change their lives forever.
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