Read Stories Pregnant? - TeenFic.Net





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After Izuku finds out bakugo is cheating on him he goes to a bar to forget his worries.
What happens when an omega and alpha claim it will only be a one night stand... what if in this world of hero's and villain's a new love occurs...and what happens when there's a small surprise waiting for them both.

Dabi: 21
Izuku: 18

- dabixdeku
- cussing/swearing
- quirks
- mpreg
- some OOC
- lemons/smut (maybe)

Disclaimer: This book idea, title, and plot was given to me by SayaCielKill to rewrite. I made and own the cover, though the drawings on the cover of Dabi and Deku came from the internet.(credit artist) It will not be exactly like the old story; It will have some differences. I don't remember everything about the plot or even if this was originally omegaverse. But it is now, and it's okay if it's different.
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