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"Popularity cannot always save you"

Kim Taehyung, the school's most popular student

Jeong Y/N, the school's new shiny toy

Girls even boys that study at Seoul National Trainee Acadamy know that Kim Taehyung is a well respected person there since his parents are both a successeful idols also called us the full blood along with his six other friends also known as Bangtan or alot of them call the group, BTS. Taehyung and his friends like to play
with girls inside the campus. They are popular among the girls for theire charms and different talents so it's not hard to make a girl fall for them.

Every one know that someone is trasfering in theire school. But no one know who, what gender it is, and from. Many rumored that it will be a boy and gonna compete with the so called BTS, and of course Bangtan is not happy with it. But still it's just rummors.

Jeong Y/N, a girl who lived in a simple home. Her parents are not Idols so that make her nothing but a simple girl being a trainee. Her parents was murdered and no one knew who did it so she was raised by her wonderful aunt, Keila. It was a normal day to her until she recieved a letter saying she is going to Seoul National Trainee Acadamy.

One day Taehyung face something that popularity will not save him from a powerful thing, love

Hi guys your author here! This story in inspired by Harry Potter and the Twilight Saga! Read it and enjoy!
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