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Pixie Dust And Volcanic Ash

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Sequel to Volcano Rock's Worst Kept Secret, an AU in which Barb is half pop troll. Also posted on AO3. Warnings will be put in each chapter as needed.


"I mean think about it, you go running over to Pop Forest every chance you get, for what? Warm fuzzies, a couple hugs? Doesn't sound like things any Rock Troll would care about. You sure seem to though. You love every last bit of it, don't you? Face it, you go there because you feel like you belong." The other paused, gaze turning sharp and demanding. "Do you want that? Do you want to belong there?"

Did she?

-- Or --

Barb gets along great with Poppy, Branch and The Snack Pack. This leads to a lot of conflicting feelings, and pokes open some old wounds.
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