Read Stories Pink - TeenFic.Net





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The night is dark. Ominous. Silent. The moon is shining down on me, yet it does not provide enough light to see. As if I am succumbed to the darkness. I close my eyes, whimpering silently into the night.
I am alone. Again.
The fear sips inside of me, as I stop in front the deadly silent house. The lights are turned off, no sounds emitting from the place.


Losing everything only leads to destruction of one's mind. And she is tired. Tired and pained. And only beauty she sees is in chaos.



"I want to become Shinobi."

"Is she going in a shock?!"

"Do you know what happened?"

"I want to be see why he went insane."

"My goal...My dream..."


Sakura centered
The Naruto Anime or Manga does not belong to me and will never belong to me.
But the story-line belongs to me.
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