Read Stories Percy Jackson Revealed - TeenFic.Net




Percy Jackson Revealed

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After the Second Giant War, and Gaia being put back to sleep, things had changed.

The Primordial had tried to leave with everlasting damage happening all over the place(: world) and what better way to do that than without proving to everyone she was indeed related to Zeus, Apollo, and Dionysus, some of the most dramatic gods. Her plan was to bind the Mist with all her strength for a month or three. After that, since the Mist shows mortals what they are prepared to believe and the world of the Greco-Roman Pantheon had been revealed, the mortals would be fully prepared to believe everything.

Nothing would ever be the same.

In this story we see Percy going back to Goode after the Reveal.

The "Percy is a demigod" moment isn't really a moment for most people. It's more like hints and hints until deep down they kind of already know it and Percy just affirms their thoughts. Of course, Percy will tell a few of them but at least one or two hints would have already been shown.

Now, something I haven't read in many FanFics is what happens next. Okay, he is a demigod and at first, some people freak and stuff...then what??

In this story, I write how the mortals learn why he is a hero and how he became one. They learn what he is fighting for and try to bring out his character. They try to help the war veteran overcome his horrors and gain something more to fight for... Under the guidance of Hestia, the mortals will try but will they actually succeed in proving that their classmate isn't just the empty shell of who he used to be?


I hope you like this fanfic, but if you don't then it's fine, we just don't have the same taste.
I don't know when I will upload but since I'm a student with h/w and drama it will probably be infrequently.
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters that are also mentioned at the (how many of those has Rick blessed us with?) series of Rick Riordan.
Original art of the cover by hawkins80s at Tumblr
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