PARITYAG : The story of Aadyansh (On Hold)

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It's a pure work of imagination. The Characters, the place and the names are imaginary. There were no such place , incidents or characters in past. The purpose of the story is just to entertain people and not to hurt anyone's feelings.
The story is based on Karnataka (Mysore) in 1763. It's a story of a girl named Aadyshri and a boy named Sriansh. Their efforts to fight against the Society, to fight for their state, to fight against Mughals. Aadyshri (Aurra is playing this character), a 13 year's old girl is princess of Kstijgadh. She is selfless,brave and most beautiful girl in that era. Whereas Sriansh (Pravisht is playing this character), a 20 year's old boy is a selfish, cunning,poor and a person with a lots of humor who pretends to be a Hermit.
Will they ever meet?? And if yes then how will be their relationship?? How will Aadyshri able to protect Kstijgadh from Mughals?? Stay tuned to know the story.
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