Read Stories Paracia - TeenFic.Net





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Paracia, a kingdom filled of creatures unknown to humans, and many already known but as legends and myths. The most advanced being hybrids of animals and humans, called parahumans. The tyrant king, king Peregrine,

Liam, Leo, Conner, April, Daniel, Darien, Maggie, maddi, Rowan, kearah, Alexi, 'oats',,,,, a 'small' team of rebels stands up after approx. 30 years of tyranny from the king. They consist of a peregrine falcon, bald eagle, pit viper, king cobra, dragonfly, turtle, carp, bat, hare, elephant, horse,a human,,,,,. Liberating 3 of the 15 regions, they quickly realize that they are behind followed...
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