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Science Fiction



Parables of The Fallen

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It's New London 2615 AD. The Tribus Wars have been over for 200 years. AzCorp, the victors have control of Reobscura, a powerful substance that makes up the very essence of our universe. The company dominates the space industry and is run with an iron fist by the CEO Lucius Parillum who is a loyal servant of Malum, the evil one.
To avoid anyone rising up and challenging their dominion, AzCorp created A.C.R.E short for Advanced Connected Reobscura Engrams through which they can manipulate peoples memories and minds subduing and subjugating the world.
However, there exists some who can break free from its control. They are called The Fallen, will they rise up and confront the rule of evil or succumb to it?
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