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Paper Planes

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Katsuki Bakugou is the leader of a mafia group, Izuku Midoriya works in a little coffee shop. One day Bakugou, Kirishima, and Kaminari go into the coffee shop for a late drink, Izuku swears he's only seen Bakugou once or twice but Bakugou has seen him definitely been eyeing the green haired boy for quite sometime. As Bakugou was finally going to talk to Izuku their rival gang decided now would be a perfect time to shoot because they too have been eyeing Izuku Midoriya but not for the same reason Bakugou was. They realized why Bakugou was going near that shop so often and they too want the green haired boy. Bakugou swears to protect Izuku at all costs but what happens when a baby is now involved?

**Bakugou's character is a bit out of place but not too much, he's only nice to Deku**
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