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Owned By Me

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✧.* 20 year old Amaira studying in London's best college of Fashion designing. Falls for a person who is known yet unknown to her.

✧.* 27 year old Stefano , an old soul with cold heart and a ruthless personality. Who has no place for love in his life, a tragic incident that made him distant from his family.

✧.* "Family is my priority and my love" ~Amaira
✧.* "In this world there is no love, it's just a delusion" ~Stefan

✧.* What will happen to the two souls, who are opposite to each other?


"You know what, you don't know me and let me tell you this as well, since no one's gonna tell you. YOU ARE AN IDIOT AND THE BIGGEST IDIOT I'VE EVER SEEN" she said and ran.
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