Maplepaw's whiskers twitched as she settled into her nest. She unsheathed her claws and dug them into the moss, shutting her eyes tight.
"Don't think about it, don't think about it..." she whispered shakily to herself.
Her friend Littlepaw looked up. "Maplepaw, what in StarClan's name are mumbling about now?"
The terrified calico apprentice looked helplessly at her denmate. "The dreams..."
Littlepaw cocked his head. "Dreams?" He laughed. "Maplepaw, get some sleep." Littlepaw set his brown head back on his paws.
Maplepaw stared at her paws, breathing heavy, shaky breaths.
The dreams....
Oneirophobia is the fear of dreams, and after Maplepaw has a traumatic experience, she soon develops this condition.
Oneriophobia has proudly been awarded a Warrior Cats Watty Award!