Read Stories One Human and a Whole Lotta Bones! - TeenFic.Net




One Human and a Whole Lotta Bones!

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With rent steadily increasing, you felt like you couldn't keep up. You didn't know what to do, you couldn't ask your family for help, and you were already working two jobs AND studying. You vented to your friend of six months about how all hope seemed lost.

That's when he offered you a chance to live with him and his cousins until you get back on your feet. "You'd Be A Wonderful Addition," he said. "Everyone would love you!" he said...

So, having no other alternative, you accepted.

What your dear friend failed to explain was just how many of his cousins there were, or how similar some of them look to each other. Albeit weird, it was either this or struggling, so you picked the former.

You hoped this wouldn't be something you'd regret.


cover made by me !

the art in the cover was made by abbyflowertale on tumblr, pls check them out their art is phenomenal


just some general info!

> reader is gender neutral, race neutral, etc. i tried to keep them as open to everyone as possible
> underfell bros are not toxic
> there are a lot of headcanons in this to make it more interesting and if you don't agree with some, pls don't slander me
> i'm ok with criticism! just make sure criticism doesn't bleed into slander

have fun reading!


ongoing: +

word count: 8,844


(CC) Attrib. Noncomm. Sharealike
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