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Of Thatch and Vine

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Sometimes fate brings you exactly what you need before you even realize it.


Brigid Kelly has lost everything and no amount of spells or wishes stopped it. After her Gran fell ill and passed away, Brigid wasn't able to keep her grandmother's metaphysical shop going. With everything crashing down around her, Brigid buys a one-way ticket to the land of her ancestors, hoping to find solace in the old cabin where her Gran grew up. Ireland is everything she was always told it was and then some. As she sorts out the slowly declining house in the woods, she's thrust into the path of handsome Torin Boyle by circumstance. The walls she's built up around her heart are slowly chipped away as Torin reveals pieces of himself as well, opening not only his home but his heart too.

Torin Boyle has spent the last thirty-odd years living in the North of Ireland, running through the rolling hills with his friends. As a pack of wolf Shifters in a country that has no natural wolves, Torin has learned to keep a tap on his inner emotions to protect those he loves. But his homeland is dying; small patches of forest turning brown and dry. When a witch appears on his family's land out of nowhere, he's concerned that the witch is to cause for what's been happening to the land. He never expected to feel pulled into her orbit so completely.

Brigid's idyllic life comes to a halt when Torin's father falls ill, closely followed by other members of the Shifter's family. The land around them - the very land where Brigid's ancestors lived - is dying. If Brigid and Torin can't figure out how to fix it, she might not be the only one losing those she loves.

**Trigger Warnings - mentions of hospitals and death/cancer; loosing loved ones**
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