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Of Patience and Secrets

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Adult crushes have the potential of being messy, that is widely known. The butterflies in the stomach, the racing heartbeat, the stealing glances when the other is not looking... One might say it is not entirely in an adult's repertoire of daily functioning. Thankfully enough, crushes do pass by easily.

But having a crush on your workmate when you are an adult is another level of disaster. As they say, "Don't shit where you eat."

Trinity Diaz is not alien to this. As a matter of fact, she did not use to care about workplace romance. For her, her students are her priority in school. It is not a place to look for a potential partner.

The past six years of her life was a total breeze in the plainest sense; she loves her job, she has an awesome family, and her friends are her biggest supporters.

But when Daniel Marquez waltzes in her incredibly comfortable life, Trinity's world turned upside down.

And she was the last to know it.
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