Read Stories Odyssey | Naruto - Self Insert - TeenFic.Net




Odyssey | Naruto - Self Insert

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"They turn, and see the stars, and feel the free shrill wind beyond the close of heavy flowers, And through the music of the languid hours, They hear like Ocean on a western beach, The surge and thunder of the Odyssey."

Like you or me, she was just another face in the crowd - she walked, she fought, she breathed, she ran.

Like you or me - she lived.

But it was never enough. Mindless, boring, dull - for her it just wasn't enough.

As the sun sets, and the children return home, and workers prepare for the long night - she becomes more than just a face in the crowd.

Something much more.


I do not own the Naruto Series or any of its characters and plots. I own only my OC's and story.

[ Spoiler Warning - Read at your own risk ]
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