Read Stories Obligatory Creations - TeenFic.Net




Obligatory Creations

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A wonderful way to express oneself, to communicate
the inner workings of the brain, the heart...
Thoughts and feelings, unknown by many,
perhaps experienced by all, full of purpose
yet appearing purposeless all the same.
They convey a meaningless meaning,
urging each individual to construct
their own beautiful interpretation...

This is basically just a small collection of poems that I have written, most of which were written out of obligation (hence the title) with a few having been constructed of my own volition, this "description" being one of those few. Perhaps I will add more as time goes on; perhaps I will keep it limited to the select few that I begin with.

Regardless, I hope you can find some sort of enjoyment in them, and if not, then I'd love some feedback!
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