Read Stories ✥Nocturnal Serenade- Immortal Curse Of D & Alucard - TeenFic.Net




✥Nocturnal Serenade- Immortal Curse Of D & Alucard

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Within Draculas castle, the Prince's of darkness live with the eternal passage of time, cursed by thier immortal fate.
Both son's of Dracula, whom with time became the embodiment of evil, were born from two separate human mothers each in a different century of time.
Bruits say the half bread brothers welted hatered and resentment towards the dark king.
Together putting an end to thier fathers existence,with the help of the Belmont lineage.
Now spending thier days within the archaic castle ,each became hunters and gaurdians of knowledge kept within the castle walls.
D, the most reticent and wise of the two, would occasionally travel the lands of the old world.
Rather then spending most of his time within the castle walls, he believed to rather become useful like the Belmont's. Bounty quests seemed helpful in passing the time.
Alucard, the youngest of the two, was unsorrowful of what became of his father after the events of 1476 and knowledge of his fathers past reputation.
similar to D in occasionally hunting, he mostly stayed within the castle, probing the knowledge held within their father's castle.
Relations to them both, were mostly between the Belmont's. Making them both enigmatic to the outside world and kept shrowded in dark mystery within the castle walls.

(Warning~ will have spoilers of the castlevania and vampire D strolines of multiple sources. Ex:Anmated series/manga/gamestoryline)
(I do not own the castlevania or vampire d characters nor the orginal stories.)
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This is a crossover between castlevania and vampire hunter d, that I completely came up with. Hope you guys like it ♡.

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I mayintroduce a character of my own as a love interest for the both of them and make a tragic love story. Im not so sure yet though.
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