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No need for saving!

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I don't care about love!

I don't care aobut anyone anymore!

They have all just played with me and deceived me.... they broke my heart......they have betrayed me.

After Eckless brought Ivonne back, there was just thing on my mind.... Callisto. He had promised me a way out. One that was now all to tempting for me. In return, there wouldn't be any love but perhapse I could change that! Whatever it takes, I had to get out of this household or god be my witness, I will slaughter them all like the mad dog I am!
This is a "Villains are destined to die!" fanstory hope you enjoy! Please also feel free to correct my bad writing.

Rights on the pictures go to the artist.
I do not own "Villains are destined to die",all rights to the owner.
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