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No more secrets ...

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Hello miraculers ! So as you know Chat Noir is tired of all those secrets , hiding his identity is diffictult , but even more difficult when he doesn't knows the girl who is behind Ladybug's mask since he loves her . He would do anything to see that mysterious girl , but he also knows that she doesn't want him to know and respects that . Negative emotions sometimes overtake him , but tries to hide them , fearing that he will get akumatized . He doesn't like all those secrets and he wants to make Ladybug understand that hiding her identity from him , won't change anything ,but make it worse , he doesn't want to tell her about his fear , so Ladybug refuses to reveal her identity , but telling the truth . Chat Noir gets very emotional about and Ladybug too , but the only difference this time is that Chat Noir has let negative emotions take control ...
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