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Never Trust Your Demons

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***Quick disclaimer***
***i wrote this in like 8-9th grade, and it's SO not my best lol***
***but still, despite being embarrassing, this was actually a fun part of that period of my life. Gonna revive it just a little***
Connie is your average 16-17-year-old. Mostly.
Halfway through the summer of 2012, she goes to visit her cousins as they visit their Great-Uncle Stan in the quiet town of Gravity Falls, Oregon.
Her first day there, she meets a boy.
A strange one.
He-and the town-quickly turn out to be much more than they appear

((I'm sorry, but if you see any grammatical/conventional error or something seems weird (like it says "stat" where it seems like it should say "says"), I'M BEGGING YOU TELL ME SO I CAN FIX IT))
((I got a dumb autocorrect that won't shut off))
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