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Never Lost

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It's been ten years since her father and best friend had been taken without a trace by Team Rocket. With her new Ranger post assigned, and Pokémon being kidnapped, she hopes to find clues that will reveal what happened all those years ago. With a power that must remain a secret, she will find them no matter what. With the help of some friends she meets along the way. Beware the Afterburners... a new enhanced faction of Team Rocket.

This is the story of a little girl and an orphaned Riolu, both endowed with the gift of Aura, fighting to find each other again after many years apart. While also trying to save the world from Giovanni, who is looking for an artifact that will grant him unlimited power.

Contains Violence
Romantic Situations
Adult Innuendo

I do not own or have rights to the principal characters used in this work of fiction. Nor is their involvement cannon. Rights are reserved on the original characters created within only.

Cover Art is an Original drawn by my Niece, feel free to contact for details.
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