Read Stories Namakharam - The Debt of Salt - TeenFic.Net




Namakharam - The Debt of Salt

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His mother had always shut down his questions with the same words which he would later find himself parroting throughout his life.

"Always be grateful, Kaseem. Boro Babu has done so much for us. The least we could do is pay the debt of his salt through our sweat and tears."

Years later, Kaseem murmured breathlessly as the growing pool of warm blood painted his feet red,

"You were wrong, Ammi. The debt of salt can only be settled by blood."

Though Minu was right. Scarlet bordered feet only suited the women. With that thought, he walked away from everything he knew since his childhood- Singha Bhavan- his attic room- Choto ginni maa's sandesh- the garden- Hari Kaka- and lastly Minu- once and for all.


This is a historical fiction about the life of a young Muslim boy as he navigates through moral dilemmas, questioning the norm, religious discrimination and social injustices in twentieth-century British ruled Bengal.

Join Kaseem on his journey to form his own beliefs surrounded by tainted agendas.

Will a innocent young mind remain steadfast against the darkness of the world or will he succumb to his own dark nature?

Read the tale of 'Namakharam' to find out.
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