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My worst distraction

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"Are you stalking me"i ask without looking at his side.

"You wish doll face" he says, but i can feel him smiling and i wonder what changes him in some hours. I don't know what's with the nickname too.

"Well i'm not eating that" just then my stomach betrays me and make a sound

"Your stomach is saying otherwise" he smirks , i sigh in defeat and open the pack and take a bit of the pizza.

Safeena was an introverted college student who deeply struggled with her mental health issues; she had difficulty making friends and relating to those around her at school. She felt isolated amidst all the chaos in college, but found solace in Noah, the energetic practicals associate whom she encountered when working on assignments for class. Though they were vastly different - he was cocky while she was shy - both remained intrigued by each other's differences and started developing feelings over time. The pair made it through difficult times together throughout their journey as Safeena gradually overcame her obstacles stemming from depression with help from Noah's unwavering support without judgement . Their storyline illustrates how powerful love can be especially for depressed individuals struggling to feel seen or heard. This narrative speaks volumes about human connection and loving someone even during our lowest moments- providing us a reminder that we are most deserving of care despite facing life adversities along the way. We can take away this restoring message by learning to extend compassion onto others-just like Safena did upon meeting noah -and remind ourselves regularly (as needed) :we are not alone , we too deserve acceptance just like safeena got ultimately after falling in love.
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